30 Mart 2013 Cumartesi

TOEFL Ders Notları


Bu bağlaçlar iki parçadan oluşurlar ve cümledeki farklı öğeleri (isim,fiil,sıfat,zarf,edat) birbirleriyle ilişkilendirirler. Her iki parçayı da cümlenin farklı yerlerinde kullanmanız gerekir. Paralel yapılarda bağladığınız iki öğe birbirine paralel olmalıdır. Yani öğelerden biri fiil ise diğeri de fiil olmalı, ya da öğelerden biri sıfat ise diğeri de sıfat olmalı. Paralel yapılar olarak adlandırdığımız bu bağlaçlar kelimeleri, fikirleri, cümleleri ve paragrafları bağlamanın en kolay yoludur. Bu yapılar puan kazanmanın da en kolay yoludur. Paralel yapılarda basit hata yapıp puan kaybetmek de çok kolaydır. Tavsiyem paralel yapıları çok iyi öğrenmeniz ve essaylerinizde mutlaka (doğru) kullanmanız yönündedir.

1.both … and … : hem … hem de …

Both … and paralel yapısı hem özne hem de nesne pozisyonunda kullanılabilir:
Both Ali and Ayşe enjoy watching movies. (Özne pozisyonunda kullanımı)
Ali enjoys both sci-fi and sit-com TV shows. (Nesne pozisyonunda kullanımı)

Paralel yapıları kullanırken özne-fiil uyumuna dikkat etmeniz gerekir:
Hata: Both the wrestling and weightlifting team has one common goal.
Doğrusu: Both the wrestling and weightlifting teams have one common goal.

Paralel yapıları kullanırken öğelerin uyumuna dikkat etmeniz gerekir:
Hata: My room is both beatiful and has a lot of space. (both+sıfat ve and+fiil paralelliği
Doğrusu: My room is both beatiful and spacious. (sıfat+sıfat)
Doğrusu: My room is beautiful, and it has a lot of space. (İki cümleyi bir coordinating conjunction (fanboys) ile bağlayabilirsiniz. Ancak yine paralelliğe dikkat edin ve virgülü unutmayın.)

Hata: We can find the ruins of The Byzantine Empire both in Turkey and at Greece.
Doğrusu: We can find the ruins of The Byzantine Empire both in Turkey and in Greece.
Hata: The international community has to bring in emergency aid, both in the form of food supplies and in technical assistance.
Doğrusu: The international community has to bring in emergency aid, both in the form of food supplies and of technical assistance. (“in the form of technical assistance” yapısı da doğrudur. Zaten “in the form” ortak olduğu için kullanılmayabilir)

2.not only … but also : sadece bu değil … aynı zamanda bu da

Fiilin tekil veya çoğul olduğunu fiile yakın olan ismin tekil veya çoğul olması belirler:
Not only my parents, but also my sister is fond of the new living arrangements.
Not only my sister, but also my parents are fond of the new living arrangements.

Not only … but also bağlacını farklı şekilde kurgulayabilirsiniz:
Like the French Revolution, the Eastern European revolutions brought down not only a regime, but also an empire.
Like the French Revolution, the Eastern European revolutions brought down not only a regime, but an empire as well.
Like the French Revolution, the Eastern European revolutions brought down not only a regime, but an empire.

Ortak olan özneyi tekrarlamadan iki cümleyi sadece fiille bağlayabilirsiniz:
Steve Jobs, widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution, not only led the way but also became the most influential model of success.

Fiillerin uyumuna özellikle dikkat etmeniz gerekir:
Hata: Many people are not only driving with one hand, but also talk on their cell phones.
Doğrusu: Many people are not only driving with one hand, but also talking on their cell phones.

Paralel yapı içerisinde sıralama yapabilirsiniz:
In the 1930s, not only novelists, poets and dramatists, but also many athor people were disillusioned by the reality of World War I.

Paralel yapıları bazı bağlaçlarla birlikte kullanabilirsiniz:
He was fired not only because of his tardiness, but also because of his disloyalty.

Not only cümle başında kullanıldığında devrik yapı (soru cümlesi gibi) kullanılır:
Normal yapı: They robbed not only the their house, but also the house next door.
Normal yapı: They not only robbed the house, but also left a thank you note.
Devrik yapı: Not only did they rob the house, but they also left a thank you note.

3.either … or : ya … ya da

Örnek kullanımlar:
-The various materials we see around us are either sunstances or mixture of substances.
-Most studies have addressed either malignant tumours such as glioma, or benign tumours such as meningioma or acoustic neuroma.

Fiilin tekil veya çoğul olduğunu fiile yakın olan ismin tekil veya çoğul olması belirler:
Either Ali or his two roommates are responsible for the dent on the closet.
Either his two roommates or Ali is responsible for the dent on the closet.

Öğelerin uyumuna dikkat edin:
Hata: You can either book your flight by phone or by e-mail. (either’dan sonra fiil var, or’dan sonra ise isim)
Doğrusu: You can book your flight either by phone or by e-mail. (her ikisinde de isim kullanılmıştır)

Paralel yapıları bazı bağlaçlarla birlikte kullanabilirsiniz:
Either because of his limited face-to-face communication or because he thought his communication should be recorded in more permanent form, the caveman eventually began to draw his message on the wall of the cave.

4.neither … nor : ne … ne de

Örnek kullanımlar:
Some vegetarians eat neither meat nor dairy products.
The influence on the artists and the intellectuals of the time was neither social nor scientific, but political.

Öğelerin uyumuna dikkat edin:
Hata: Neither a money withdrawal nor making a payment is possible without your debit card.
Doğrusu: Neither a money withdrawal nor a payment is possible without your debit card.
Doğrusu: Neither withdrawing money nor making a payment is possible without your debit card.

Fiilin tekil veya çoğul olduğunu fiile yakın olan ismin tekil veya çoğul olması belirler:
Neither Ali nor his classmates are going to the party.
Neither his classmates nor Ali is going to the party.

Neither ve Either kullanımları:
Neither student (tekil isim) is (tekil fiil) studious.
Either student (tekil isim) is (tekil fiil) diligent.
Neither of the students (çoğul isim) is (tekil fiil) studious.
Either of the students (çoğul isim) is (tekil fiil) diligent.
Olumsuz cümle: I don’t like golf.
Cevap: Neither do I. (Ben de)
Cevap: I don’t either. (Ben de)

Örnek kullanımlar:
-Both dyslexia and dyscalculia defy easy explanation. Neither disorder is the result of faully eyesight or hearing, both of which can also delay language acquisiton but are easily corrected.
-I don’t know why but I have a craving for sweets, so I’ll have them both – not only the chocolate-raspberry smoothie but also white chocolate cheesecake.

5.whether … or : olup olmadığını / olsun veya olmasın / olsa da olmasa da

Whether” bağlaç (conditional) olarak kullanılırsa “or not” genelde atılamaz, isim cümleciklerinde (naun clause) ise “whether” ile birlikte “or not” kullanmak isteğe bağlıdır:
I will go on vacation whether she comes or not. (Conitional)
I don’t know whether she will come with me (or not). (Naun clause)

If-whether kullanım farkı:
I would like to know if it is a fact or a lie. (If bağlacı şart sunar.)
I would like to know whether it is a fact or a lie. (whether bağlacı şart sunar ve alternatif verir. Ayrıca daha “formal” ve daha yaygın kullanımdır.
Informal kullanım: I would like to know whether or not it’s a fact.
Hatalı kullanım: I would like to know if or not it’s a fact.

I won’t forgive her whether she apologizes or not.
I won’t forgive her even if she apologizes. (Anlam olarak “whether-or not” ile “even if” bağlaçları çok yakındır; ancak, “even if” bağlacından sonra “or not” kullanılmaz)

wonder-question-doubt-ask-see-be-know-learn-say-understand-discuss-sure- gibi kelimeler ile whether bağlacını tercih edin:
I wonder whether it will rain (or not).
The question is whether you’ll agree (or not).
I’m not sure whether we should accept the offer (or not).

Noun clause yapısında sadece whether cümle başında kullanılır:
Whether you live or die is not their main concern.
Whether he will sign the contract is not certain yet.
Whether he will sign the contract or not is not certain yet.
Whether or not he will sign the contract is not certain yet.

Edatlardan sonra sadece whether kullanılır:
There is a dispute among scientists as to whether human parts should be cloned. (as to : with regard to/with respect to.)
Your doubts as to whether the claims are true or not are needless.
The company has yet to answer the question of whether it approved the document.
The financial manager makes the decision on whether new equipment needs to be purchased.
People must claim their rights regardless of whether politicans like it.
Many worry about whether they will be taken into custody for claiming their rights.

Infinitive yapı (to Vo) sadece whether ile kullanılır:
He cannot decide whether to buy it now or wait for the sales.

6.as … as : kadar
As … as paralel yapısı olumlu cümlelerde iki öğe arasında eşitlik olduğunu gösterir.

as + sıfatın yalın hali + as :
Ali is as old as Veli. (Eşitlik olduğu için “Veli is as old as Ali” cümlesiyle aynı anlamdadır.)

as + zarfın yalın hali + as :
Ali drives as carefully as Veli. (Eşitlik olduğu için “Veli drives as carefully as Ali” cümlesiyle aynı anlamdadır.)

As … as paralel yapısı olumsuz cümlelerde iki öğe arasında eşitsizlik olduğunu gösterir. Bu durumda as…as yapısı yerine so…as yapısını da kullanabiliriz.

Olumsuz + as + sıfatın yalın hali + as :
Ali is not as old as Veli. (“Ali is not so old as Veli” ya da “Veli is older” cümleleri de aynı anlama gelir. Olumsuz cümlelerde öğelerin yerlerini değiştirirseniz anlam da değişir: Veli is not as old as Ali cümlesinde daha yaşlı olan Ali’dir.)
You look tired – at least not as energetic as usual.

Olumsuz + as + zarfın yalın hali + as :
Ali does not drive as carefully as Veli. (“Ali does not drive so carefully as Veli” ya da “Veli drives more carefully than Ali” cümleleri de aynı anlama gelir. Olumsuz cümlelerde öğelerin yerlerini değiştirirseniz anlam da değişir: Veli does not drive as carefully as Ali cümlesinde daha dikkatli olan Ali’dir.)
You are talking pretty fast – at least not as slowly as you usually do.

Miktar ifadeleriyle beraber kullanılabilir:
as many as ifadesini genelde rakam ve çoğul isim takip eder
Our body as many as 4 bottles of water every day.
The classroom seats as many as 15 students.
We need to seat as many students as possible.
There are as many people who can speak English as Chinese.
The laboratories in MIT are twice as many as the ones in Harvard.

as much as ifadesini genelde sayılamayan isimler takip eder. Ancak zaman, para, mesafe, ağırlık veya sayılamayan kütlelerle de miktara vurgu yaptığı sürece as much as kullanılabilir.
I like football as much as the next guy.
The money she saved was as much as her brother’s.
She saved as much money as her brother.
Because of his income, he spends half as much money as his peers.
It can take as much as 3 days to get across Turkey by bus.
Some people can spend as much as ten thousand dollars on everyday clothes. (as much as yerine “up to” ifadesini de kullanabilirsiniz)

as far as ifadesini fikir ve referans vermek için kullanabilirsiniz. Genelde know, understand, tell, go, be concerned fiillerinden önce kullanılırlar.
As far as I’m concerned, the second one is a much better choice. (fikir)
As far as I know, he won’t be able to make it to the party. (fikir)
As far as I can tell, she doesn’t want to come to the party.(fikir/tahmin)
As far as art is concerned, Berlin is a place to see. (referans: sanat söz konusu olduğunda)
As far as social reasons are concerned,
As far as an invitation list for the party, I haven’t given much thought. (fiilsiz de kullanabilirsiniz; ancak, bu konuşma dili için daha geçerlidir. Essaylerinizde cümle tercihiniz fiilli olsun: As far as an invitation list for the party is concerned, I haven’t given much thought.)

nearly/nowhere near/quite miktar ifadeleriyle kullanımı:
Turkey isn’t nearly as big as China. (Çin çok daha büyük)
Turkey is nowhere near as big as China. ( Çin çok daha büyük, kıyas bile edilemez)
My car isn’t quite as fast as hers. (hızı yakın ama onunki kadar hızlı değil)

the same as ifadesi iki öğenin aynı olduğu durumlarda kullanılır.
This car is the same as that one. The only difference is the price.
This car is the same as the one I wanted to buy.

7.just as … so : tıpkı … gibi … da

Just as cümle başında kullanıldığında genelde so ile paralellik kurar:
Just as he is an infamous leader, so is his son.
Just as he is an infamous leader, so too is his son. (paralelliği güçlendirmek için “too” ekelnebilir)

Cümle ortasında kullanıldığında Just as paralellik için yeterlidir:
The economy of Venezuela depends heavily on exporting oil, just as the economy of United States depends on petroleum imports.
Quantum theory specifies new rules for describing the universe, just as it has introduced new ways of thinking about matter and energy.

Just as yerine Just like ifadesi de kullanılabilir:
Just like daha informal kullanımdır ve dolayısıyla konuşma diline daha uygundur.
Just like his father is an infamous leader, so is he.
He is an infamous leader, just like his father.

Just as zaman bağlacı olarak da kullanılabilir.
İki olayın aynı anda olduğunu belirtmek için kullanılan “while ve as” bağlaçlarıyla eş anlamlıdır. Ancak eş anlamlılarına kıyasla daha fazla aciliyet (tam bir şey yapılıyorken başka bir şey oldu) bildirir.
Just as the phrase “just as” can be used as a corelative conjuction to show similarity between two structures, it can also be used as a subordinating conjunction to demonstrate that two events take place at the same time. (bu örnekte benzerliğe işaret eden paralel yapıdır)
Just as I was walking out the door, I realized I forgot to turn off the oven. (bu örnekte zaman bağlacı olarak kullanılmıştır)
Just as I was finalizing my order on the website, I got disconnected.

8.The more … the more : ne kadar … o kadar …
Bir öğe arttıkça veya azaldıkça diğer öğenin artması veya azalması durumları arasında paralellik kurmak için kullanılır.
The more you study, the more likely you will pass the test.
The more bread, the more meatballs.

9.so … that / such … that : o kadar … ki …

Bu iki paralel yapı sebep-sonuç veya etki-tepki ilişkisi kurmak için kullanılır.
The book wassoexciting (sebep/eki) thatI couldn’t wait to finish it (sonuç/tepki).
It was such an exciting book (sebep/eki) thatI couldn’t wait to finish it (sonuç/tepki).

So + sıfat/zarf + that
The book was so exciting that I couldn’t wait to finish it.
She was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she went to bed.
Native speakers can speak so quickly that English learners find it hard to understand them.
She has so much homework that she doesn’t know what to do.

Such + (a/an) + (sıfat) + isim that
She had such taste that eventually she became a food critic.
Dogs are such clever animals that they are used in the police task force.
He is such a friend that I can always count on him.
It was such an exciting book that I couldn’t wait to finish it.
It was such a tiring day that she fell asleep as soon as she went to bed.
She has such a lot of homework that she doesn’t know what to do.

10.no sooner … than / hardly … when : olur olmaz / demeye kalmadan / … olmasıyla … olması bir oldu

no sooner … than” ile “hardly veya scarcely … when” yapıları zaman bağlacı gibi kullanılırlar ve iki eylem arasında geçen sürenin çok kısa olduğunu vurgularlar. Bu bağlamda “as soon as” ile eş anlamlı kalıplardır. Genelde past tense ile, özellikle past perfect (had + V3) ile kullanılırlar. Hardly ile eş anlamlı olan barely ve scarcely kelimeleri de kullanılır ve paralel yapı yine when ile devam eder. Burada dikkat edilmesi gereken konu “than” ile “when” kelimelerinin yerlerini karıştırmamaktır.

I had no sooner gone to bed than the doorbell rang. (Cümle ortası normal yapı)
No sooner had I gone to bed than the doorbell rang. (Cümle başı devrik yapı)
I had hardly gone to bed when the doorbell rang. (Cümle ortası normal yapı)
Hardly had I gone to bed when the doorbell rang. (Cümle başı devrik yapı)
I had scarcely gone to bed when the doorbell rang. (Cümle ortası normal yapı)
Scarcely had I gone to bed when the doorbell rang. (Cümle başı devrik yapı)
I had barely gone to bed when the doorbell rang. (Cümle ortası normal yapı)
Barely had I gone to bed when the doorbell rang. (Cümle başı devrik yapı)

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