PRONOUNS (Zamirler-Adıllar)

PRONOUNS (Zamirler-Adıllar)
Bir ismin yerine kullanılan sözcüğe zamir (pronoun) denir. Zamir çeşitleri şu şekilde isimlendirilebilir.
1.                    Kişi zamirleri (personal pronouns)
2.                    İyelik zamirleri (possessive pronouns)                                                                         -  ,,  
3.         Dönüşlü ve pekiştiriri zamirler (reflexive and emphasizing pronouns)
4.                    İşaret zamirleri (demonstrative pronouns)
5.         Belgisiz zamirler (indefinite pronouns)
6.         İlgi zamirleri (relative pronouns)
7.         Üleştirme zamirleri (distributive pronouns)
8.                    Soru zamirleri (interrogative pronouns)
KİŞİ ZAMİRLERİ (Personal Pronouns)
I                             me
you                          you
he                           him                                   '     .'                           ■    ..
she                          her
it                             it                                                         _
we                           us
you                          you
they                          them
one                          one
1.                  "you" hem ikinci tekil hem de ikinci çoğul şahıs için kullanılır. Özne ve nesne şekilleri de aynıdır.
2.        "he" ve "him" erkekler (eril) için kullanılır.
3.        "she" ve "her", (dişil) yani bayanlar için kullanılır. Öte yandan "she" ve "her" cansız varlıklar için de
kullanılır. Örnekler: motorlu taşıtlar, lokomotifler, gemiler, hava araçları, ülkeler ve şehirler.
4.    "it cinsiyetsiz (cansız) varlıklar, hayvan ve bitkiler için kullanılır. Özne ve nesne durumu aynıdır. Ayrıca;
a.   Hayvanlar için kullanılmasına karşın, eğer hayvanın cinsiyeti biliniyorsa, "he, him" ya da "she, her" de kullanılır.
b.   Bebeklerden bahsederken "it” kullanılabilir.
     The baby is sleeping. It must be tired.
c.   Hava koşulları anlatılırken özne olarak kullanılır.                                                                   .   ~
          It is sunny.
          It is hot.
d.   Bilinmeyen kişiler için genel olarak "it” kullanılır.                                      .   ■■'_
     "Who is it?"
e.   Zaman ve mesafe anlatımlarında özne olarak kullanılır.
       It is 9 o'clock.
       It is 40 miles to Ankara.
       It is 50 kilometers to Van
f.  infinitive yapısı yerine kullanılır.
To swim in the pool is difficult.
It is difficult to swim in the pool.
g.   "It” bütün bir cümlenin yerini alabilir.
     You helped me a lot. I will always remember it.
40                                                                             KPDS - ÜDS - YDS - COPE - PROFICIENCY.* TOBC - TOEFL

h.  That ile yapılmış isim cümleciği yerine özne olarak kullanılır.
          That they arrested the thief was clear.
          It was clear that they arrested the theft.
İYELİK ZAMİRLERİ (Possesive Pronouns)

Ivelik sıfatları
Ivelik zamirleri
NOT: İyelik sıfatları daima bir isimle kullanılır ve tek başına bulunmazlar. Öte yandan iyelik zamirleri tek başlarına da kullanılır ve bu halde iyelik sıfatı ile birlikte kullanılan ismin yerini tutarlar.
This is my car.                 This car is mine.
This is your car.                This car is yours.
This is his car.                 This car is his.
This is her car.                 This car is hers.
This is our car.                This car is ours.
This is their car.                 This car is theirs.
S    This is my pen. Where is yours?
s    I saw a friend of yours at the meeting.
s    A friend of mine plays the piano.
s    His parcel hasn't arrived yet. What about yours?
s    Their house is older than ours.
s    She uses her bike and I use mine.
s    Our garden is smaller than theirs.
NOT: Bir iyelik zamiri olan "its" çok sık kullanılmaz.
(Reflexive and Emphasizing Pronouns)
Özne                            Dönüşlü zamirler
I                                   myself
you                                yourself
he                                 himself
she                                herself
it                                   itself
we                                ourselves
you                                yourselves
they                               themselves
one                                oneself
ÜDS - KPDS - YDS - COPE - TOEIC - TOEFL                                                                                                          41

Dönüşlü zamirler, öznenin yaptığı eylemden yine öznenin etkilendiğini belirtir. ÖRNEKLER
Be careful you might hurt yourself!                                           
Boys should shave themselves when they come to the interview.
The man decides to kill himself when he hears that his wife dies.
He blames himself for the accident.
That is a note that I wrote myself to remember my duties.
s Dönüşlü zamirler özneyi vurgulamak için kullanılır. Bunun için özneden hemen sonra gelir. Did anyone help him? No he himself carried the boxes.
They themselves accepted to give money to us.
You yourself told me the truth about him.
s Dönüşlü zamirler "by" ile eylemin "yalnız" ya da "yardımsız" yapıldığını göstermek için kullanılır. Bazen "by" kullanılmadan da ifade edilir.
At first she believed that she could live by herself.                                                                                                                         :
Do you think the children can carry the bags by themselves?
I am old enough to go abroad by myself!
My dog found its way home by itself.                                                                                                                         :
She built a house herself in three years.
s Dönüşlü zamirlerin zorunlu olarak kullanılması gereken bazı fiiller: absent, avail, pride
He prides himself on support for homeless.
They absented themselves without food for two weeks.
Some students absented themselves from the Mid Term Test.
 Dönüşlü zamirlerin yerine nesne kullanabiliriz:
He cut himself.-He cut his chin.
We enjoyed ourselves.-We enjoyed the concert.                                                                                             . ■
 "By" edatı yerine anlamı bozmadan farklı bir ifade de kullanılabilir .
She lives in that desolate village by herself/on her own.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            42          KPDS - ÜDS - YDS i COPE - PROFICIENCY -TOEIC - TOEFL

İŞARET ZAMİRLERİ (Demonstrative Pronouns/Adjectives)
 İşaret sıfatı olarak kullanılan this, that ve bunların çoğul şekilleri these, those isimsiz
kullanıldıklarında zamir olurlar. This, that, these, those zamirleri varlıkları işaret ederler.
a.     This is a pen.                                    c.    That is a chair
b.     These are pens.                               d.   Those are chairs.
"This, these" konuşmacıya göre mesafe ve zaman olarak daha yakın; "that, those" ise daha uzak durumu anlatır.
This car is mine and that car is his.
Can you see that? There is a bird on the roof
This bazen bir "durum" ya da" fikir" gösterir.
They warned me about you! This drove me crazy.
Tomorrow’s class has been cancelled! Oh, this is great!
Karşılaştırma cümlelerinde that sahip olunan nesneyi tekrarlamamak için onun yerine kullanılır.
The novel of Hawthorne is more romantic than that of Hemingway.
My notes are beter than that of my friend’s.
"Such" zamir olarak "bu durum, bu olgu, bu şey, o şey, bu hareket, bu olay, böyle" gibi anlamlarda kullanılır.
George is the captain on the team, as such, must decide who should kick the penalty-kick. George takım kaptanıdır, bu durumda ceza vuruşunu kimin yapacağına karar vermelidir.
Such is life! (Hayat işte böyledir!) Such is time! (Zaman işte böyledir!) Such is my fate!(Bu benim kaderimdir!)
A person who is dying is still alive, even a moment before death, and must be treated as such.
Ölmekte olan bir kişi hala canlı ise,ölümden bir an önce bile öyle (canlıya nasıl muamele edilirse) muamele
If you act like him, don't matter, you will be treated as such. (Onun gibi hareket edersen .endişelenme, öyle muamele görürsün.)
S The former... The latter (Önceki... sonraki...., birincisi..., ikincisi...)
Zamir olarak kullanılan bir yapıdır.
both Clinton and Reagan were Democrats, but the former (Clinton) appeals more to right than the latter (Reagan).
Herhangi bir isimden önce geldiğinde eskisi/yenisi anlamına gelir.
The former Soviet Union (önceki Sovyetler Birliği), The former prime minister (önceki başbakan), the former Yugoslavia
(Eski Yugoslavya)
The latter policy (sonraki politika)
I prefer the latter over the former.
ÜDS - KPDS - YDS - COPE - TOEIC - TOEFL                                                                                                                              43

BELGİSİZ ZAMİRLER (Indefinite Pronouns)
İsim/isimler yerine kullanılan zamirlerdir:

no one

 a few

the other
a little
any, little
the others


a lot most

 Aşağıda altı çizili olan sözcükler belgisiz zamir olarak kullanılmıştır.
There are some books on the table. Where are the others?
Some like cola, others prefer tea.
When one is happy, the world seems pink.
There are two nice sandwiches here. Which one are you going to choose?
 How much cola do you drink? I don't drink much.
How many novels have you got? A lot.
there are a lot of apples in the fridge. I am going to take a few.
He saw everything in the classroom.
The teacher said "All students must be in school by 8 o'clock." But a£ were not there at eight o'clock.
How many knives are there on fie table? None.
Many are called but few are chosen for the position.
How much sugar would you like? A little, please.
There wasn't anybody in the class yesterday.
Everyone has done his or her homework.
I don't remember anyone in the meeting.
Some of the water is gone.
I haven't eaten anything since last night.
I wish I had some flowers in my garden. I am going to buy some tomorrow.
Have you got any salt? Ask Jane if she has any.
Nobody lives in that village.                                                                                    :
No one has seen me at the party.
She does nothing at work.
I have got a lot of friends in my class but Sam hasn't got many. Most of them arrived late.
I don't know which film is the better? I am going to watch both.
Each candidate was given a certificate at the meeting.
44                                                                             KPDS - ÜDS - YDS - COPE - PROtfGfENCY - TOEİC - TOEFL

He gave me half, and kept half for himself.
I have got enough money for a car but I haven't got enough for a bike.
Nowadays several of the girls wear short.
I can't lend you any money. I have got little for myself.
I haven't got much time to finish my project. Oh, I have got less than you have.
I have got some dictionaries but I need more.
One or the other?
 "None" belgisiz zamiri hem tekil hem de çoğul fiil ile kullanılabilir:
None of you claims responsibility for this incident, (tekil) None of you claim responsibility for this incident, (çoğul) None of the students have done their homework.
 "body" ile "one" arasında bir anlam farkı yoktur.
 No one= nobody (hiç kimse)
 "some" yapıları genellikle olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.
Do you need more? No, I have some, thank you.
Some people love to eat this.
Somebody in my class has gone there.
There must be something wrong in this letter.
 "any" olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılır.
I didn’t hear anything.
Did anyone see me yesterday?

Ayrıca “herhangi bir, her şey” anlamında da kullanılabilir.

Anyone can solve this problem, it is very easy.
The town he lives is very dangerous, anything can trouble him.
 "one" ifadesi genel olarak kişiler için kullanılır. “birisi, herkes,” anlamında özellikle belli bir kişiye yöneltilmeden kullanılır. 
One can think that this novel is transcendentalist at the first look.
You can adopt one’s child.

 Belgisiz zamirler tekil fiil alırlar. Fakat cinsiyet belirli olmadığı için iyelik zamiri “they” şeklindedir.

Nobody is perfect. Their mistakes are so natural.
Everybody is going to get what they deserve.

İLGİ ZAMİRLERİ (Relative Pronouns)
 Kişilerin yerine sıfat cümleciğinin öznesi ya da nesnesi olarak kullanılır.

I saw the man who helped us yesterday.
She was a woman who could devote her life to her children.
That was our neighbor who you had spoken.

ÜDS - KPDS - YDS - COPE - TOEIC - TOEFL                                                                                                          45

Whom  İnsanların yerine sıfat cümleciğinin nesnesi olarak kullanılır.Bazen edat alır bazen de almaz.
This is the baby whom I saw at the airport . (nesne durumunda)
He is the man to whom I gave the money. (edatın nesnesi durumunda)
She is the woman whom (or who, or that) I gave the money to.(edat cümle sonuna gelebilir)
She is one of the secretaries whom the manager trusts.
 İyelik gösteren sıfat cümleciklerinde kullanılır. Hem insanlar hem de diğer varlıklar için kullanılır. Cansız varlıklar için "OF WHICH" kullanılır.
He is the man from whose house the paintings were stolen, (edat almış)
He is the man whose house the paintings were stolen from. (edat cümle sonunda)        <                                           

A widow is a woman whose husband is dead.
The child whose dog bit you is at the door.
That's the man whose wife works in my office.
The car one of the tires of which descended is being repaired.
Which Hayvanlar ve cansız varlıklar yerine geçer. Sıfat cümleciklerinde özne ve nesne olarak kullanılır.
The documentary which was shown on TV last night was very boring.
I received a letter which made my heart beat fast.                      
Who or Which eğer hayvanların ismi verilirse bir kişi olarak düşünülür ve WHO kullanılır.
My dog Haydin, who enjoys eating fish, was very happy in the morning.
 NOT: Kişileri gösteren topluluk isimleri eğer tekil olarak düşünülürse which, çoğul olarak düşünülürse who
kullanılır.                                                                                 ;                
The team, which beat the football yesterday, has won the championship today.
Thecrowd, who bought their tickets, got into the grounds at last.
 Sıfat cümleciği, kendisinden önce gelen bütün cümleyi niteliyorsa virgülden sonra which kullanılır.
The war had started. This worried the people of the target country.
The war had started, which worried the people of the target country.
That  Sıfat cümleciğinin öznesi ve nesnesi olarak kullanılır. Bütün varlıkların yerini alır.
The man that wrote this book was from Spain.
He bought a present to the girl that he met at the station.
She saw the spider that was crouched in the corner. S
he didn't like the red skirt that her mother bought.
That or Who and Which
 En üstünlük (superlative) olarak kullanılan bir sıfat ve çoğu belgisiz zamirden {Indefinite pronoun) sonra that kullanılır.
This is the worst film that I watched.

46                                                                            KPDS - ÜDS - YDS - COPE -PROFICIENCY »TOEtC - TOEFl

She never cooks anything that is worth eating to.
There is not much that can be done.
Yesterday was one of the hottest that I have known in London.
It is the best novel that I have ever read.
Her book is the best that has ever been written on pet animals.
This is the first time that I have tasted it.
This is the first time that the OECD has organised a conference in Palermo or in Sicily.
 It's..., It was... etc.; ve bunların soru şekilleriyle başlayan cümlelerde that kullanılır.
it is the coach that is important, not the kind of stadium he teaches in.
Was it you that ate all the cake?

 Nitelenen isim hem bir kişi, hem de bir varlık ise that kullanılır.
Look at the boy and the dog that are running down the street.
 That, tanımlamayan sıfat cümleciklerinde (non-defining clauses) ve preposition ile kullanılmaz.
The president, who has been elected, is going to retire soon
Here is the author about whom I told you.
 Sıfat cümleciğinin nitelediği isim belirtilmezse what kullanılır.  Türkçede “şey” olarak düşünülebilir. Örneklere bakınız.
The thing that/which I'd like is a sport car.
 What I'd like is a sport car. Istediğim şey bir spor araba.
The things that we saw astonished us.
What we saw astonished us. Gördüğümüz şey bizi büyüledi.
Would you like to listen the songs that/which she sang?
Would you like to listen what she sang? Söylediğimiz şeyi dinlemek ister misin?
Can you tell me the things that/which you want to buy?
Can you tell me what you want to buy? almak istediğin şeyi bize söyleyebilir misin?
He gave me the books that/which I needed. He gave me what I needed.
Whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever  Birleşik ilgi zamiri olarak kullanılır.
Whatever he thinks, I will go on listening to whichever music I want.
Whoever says this is not a good book will understand better when they analyze it.
ÜDS - KPDS - YDS - COPE - TOEIC - TOEFL                                                                                                          47

ÜLEŞTİRME ZAMİRLERİ (Distributive Pronouns)  
Each (herbiri), either (biri, hiçbiri), neither (hiçbiri) sözcükleri üleştirme zamirleridir.
Each: iki ve ikiden fazla nesnenin her biri için kullanılır ve her zaman tekil ifade edilir.
There were 5 employees and each was awarded by their own employers.
       Each of the students has one duty.
       Either: sadece iki nesne için kullanılır. Bunlardan belirli olmayan biri ya da hiçbiri anlamında kullanılır ve hiçbiri anlamı olumsuz cümleyle sağlanır.
I and my boyfriend applied for the job, either of us will go, but we can’t predict who.
Either of us is not accepted to the job.
      Neither: iki nesneden hiçbiri anlamındadır, olumlu cümle yapısında tekil fiille birlikte kullanılır.

I have got two houses but neither is near the town.
Neither of the two companies could convince me.

SORU ZAMİRLERİ (Interrogative Pronouns) who whom whose which      what
Who  Yalnızca kişiler için kullanılır. Özne ve nesne (indirect object) sorulur.
Who is it?
Who won the medallion?
Who did you talk to?

s Genellikle yazı dilinde daha fazla kullanılır. Nesne (indirect object) sorulur;        :
Whom did you talk to?
Whom will you give the present?
Bir "preposition" ile birlikte kullanılabilir.
To whom did you talk?
For whom the bells toll?
s Konuşma dilinde ise "preposition" cümle sonuna gelir, "who" bu çeşit cümlelerde "whom" yerine geçebilir, ("whom" daha fazla yazma dilinde kullanılır.)
Whom did you see at the mail? (yazma dilinde) Who did you see at the mall? (konuşma dilinde)
Whom did you buy book for? (yazma dilinde) Who did you buy that book for? (konuşma dilinde)
Whom do you spend your holiday with? (yazma dilinde) Who did you buy those flowers for? (konuşma dilinde)
For whom did you buy those flowers? (yazma dilinde)
48                                                                                                      KPDS - ÜDS - YDS - COPE - PROFICIENCY ^ TOEİC - TOEFL

Whose  İyelik zamiri olarak kullanılır.
Whose party won the election last year?
Whose team was the loser?
Whose book did you analyze?
 Hem özne, hem de nesneyi soran bir zamirdir. Zamir olarak kullanıldığında ise varlıklar (things) sorulur. İyelik şekli yoktur.
What are you talking about?
What is the difference between sublime and beauty?
What have you been looking for in the attic?
 Burada hem özne hem de nesne sorulabilir. Hangisi anlamında kullanılır. İnsanlar ve varlıklar için kullanılır ve bunun da iyelik hali yoktur.
Which of the flowers do you love most? Daisy, rose or orchid?
Which singer is your favorite?
With which car do you want to come? Grey or red?

NOT:    Yukardaki örneklerde görüldüğü gibi "What" ile sorulan sorularda belli bir sınırlama yoktur ama "Which" ile sorulan soruda ise belirli bir sayıdan seçim vardır.
ÜDS - KPDS - YDS - COPE - TOEIC - TOEFL                                                                                                          49

"değil mi?" anlamına gelen, cümleye"," virgül ile eklenen bir onaylama cümleciğidir. Genel olarak:
1. Bir yardımcı yüklem [yahut modal] ve bir zamirden oluşur.
She won’t come with us, will she?

2.               Olumlu cümlelerin tag questionlan olumsuz, olumsuzlarınki ise olumlu olur.
You will pick the guest up, won’t you?
They didn’t leave early, did they?
3.               Olumlu cevap için her zaman YES, olumsuz cevap için ise NO kullanılır. Türkçede farklı olabildiğini
She doesn’t eat meat, does she? Yes, she does, No, she doesn’t.
4.               Bir yan cümleciği bir de ana cümleciği olan cümlelerde tag question için ana cümleciğe bakılır.
She told you that she wouldn’t come, didn’t she?
5.               Ancak bu durum I think / suppose / believe, vb fiillerle kurulan yapılarda ana cümlecik için geçerli
değildir. Bu tür durumlarda yan cümle esas alınır.
İ guess she can’t speak with a professor in such a manner, can she?

olumlu cümle,

olumsuz ek+özne

Snow is white,

isn't it?

positive tag?

You don't like it,
do you?       ;

cümle [+]


Yardımcı f
il         Ana yüklem
Yardımcı fiil
Şahıs zamiri (aynı şahıs)



! n'1



; n't

: do

' tea,
! n't


: like
i n't
You (do) like...

won't = will not
| can
Î come,


; must
; go,


| should
, try


I are
Turkish, there,
are was
i n'1 ! n't
you? 1 he?
: Ana fiil yardımcı fiil
verb be
presents past


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