10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

Determiners-Quantifiers -1 (M. choice + Explained)

Determiners & Quantifiers (Ad Betimleyiciler) Çözümlü Testi -1

Soruları dikkatle inceleyip doğru cevabı bulunuz. Yorum butonunu tıklayıp çözümü görebilirsiniz.

1. The strong storm continued for ...... the days we were there, but fortunately there wasn't ....... damage in the farm.

a) a lot of / many
b) all of / whole
c) most of / much
d) a great deal / enough
e) many / so much

2. ......... questions were asked in the in the interview and those ....... candidates who were able to answer 70 % of the questions were recruited.

a) A lot / some
b) Plenty of / whole
c) Few / many
d) Many / few
e) A great many / each

3. Had I had ....... more money on me, I could have bought ........ more post-cards.

a) a lot / few
b) much / a little
c) some / much
d) a good deal / much
e) a little / a few

4. ...... program has been arranged for this special tracking up to this date, but ........ them are suitable to carry out economically.

a) Many a / none of
b) Each / all of
c) Neither / both of
d) Either / few
e) Several / neither

5. Could you please call me ........ time as I am busy compiling sales reports at the moment.

a) the other
b) other
c) another
d) others
e) any others

cevap c, zarar sayılamaz bu yüzden 2. kısım # much # olur. H. METİN - KONYA

questions çoğul ve countable, ve ayrıca few countable


Bu soruda şıklardan giderek either ve neither kalıplarında or ne nor  kalıplarını kullanılması gerktiği için ilk önce iki şıkkı eledim.cümlenin ikinci kısmında but olduğundan dolayı all of u kullanamazdık dolayısıyla cevapA şıkkıdır. - In the second part of this question we can not use 'all of, both of,few' because they are not suitable for meaning. If you use one of them,the sentence become nonsense meaning. And we can not also use 'neither'because it needs a singular verb after it. So, we must choose 'none of'choice both for its meaning and for its structure.


another= başka bir zaman, başka herhangi bir zaman anlamındadır. doğru cevap -c- olur.

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