10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

The Passive -1 (Multiple choice + Explained)

İngilizce Çözümlü Testler: Edilgen Yapilar (Passive Voice) Çözümlü Testi -1

Soruları dikkatle inceleyip doğru cevabı bulunuz. Yorum butonunu tıklayıp çözümü görebilirsiniz.

1. Although the crime scene ........... thoroughly, nothing substantial ........... .

a) is searching / will be found
b) has been searched / has been finding
c) was searched / was found
d) had been searched / were found
e) will search / was found

2. I don't think they ..... the meeting seeing as only a few of the members ..... in the last hour.

a) could have / were contacted
b) had held / could be contacted
c) will hold / are contacting
d) are holding / will contact
e) can hold / have been contacted

3. The company ........ whether the scholarships ......... in time or not.

a) is debating / will be paid
b) debated / were paying
c) has been debating / was paid
d) will debate / could have paid
e) was debating / have been paying

4. By the time the course schedule ........, we ......... basic subjects of French.

a) completes / would have learnt
b) will be completed / will have learnt
c) was completing / had learnt
d) could be completed / will be learning
e) is completed / will have learnt

5. No books ....... out from this library unless you ...... the borrowers' card.

a) must be taken / are having
b) might take / have had
c) can be taken / have
d) are taking / will have
e) should be taken / don't have

Birinci bosluktan once 'crime scene', sonra da 'thoroughly=zarf' var; yani bu bolumde nesne yok. Ikinci bosluktan sonra da herhangi bir nesne olmadigi goruluyor. O halde iki tarafta da edilgen cati arariz. Zaman uyumu ipuclarini da uygularsak Dogru cevabin C oldugunu goruruz. D seceneginin ikici bolumu 'were' oldugu icin yanlis. cunku 'nothing' tekil dusunulur.

2. Birinci boslukta 'they ... the meeting' de hem ozne hem de nesne var, o halde aktif bir yapiyi tercih etmeliyiz. Ikinci kisimda; bosluktan sonra bir preposition var, bu durum cogunlukla edilgen yapilari verir. Bir de 'in the last hour' yapisinin present perfect oldugunu hatirlarsak Dogru cevabin E oldugunu buluruz.

Birinci bosluk aktif, ikinici bosluk pasif. o halde zaman uyumu va anlamca en mantikli sik dogru olacaktir. Cevap 'A' secenegidir. C secenegindaki 'was' 'scholarships' ile uyumsuz.

Bastaki bosluk edilgen, ikinci bosluk aktif olmali (= we...basic subjects). 'By the time' baglacinin zaman uyumu da saglaninca dogru cevap 'E' olur.

Ilk bosluktan hemen sonra 'out' edati var ve bu edilgen cati icin ipucu sayilir. Ikinci tarafta 'you... card' yani aktif yapi + zaman uyumu aranacak. O halde 'C' dogrudur.

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