10 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi

All Subjects Test (Mixed) -1 ** YENİ **

TOEFL, GMAT, KPDS, YDS Çözümlü İngilizce Sınav Soruları-1

Doğru cevabı bulunuz. Detaylı çözümler için, "Yorum" butonunu tıklayın.

1. Some scientists ........... us that the thermal blanket around the globe ........... the average temperature of the earth to rise.

a) were warning / has caused
b) had warned / caused
c) warn / will have caused
d) have been warning / was causing
e) have warned / may cause

2. If transport costs .......... into consideration at the outset, the plant ........... far from its present site.

a) will be taken / are being built
b) were taken / had been built
c) have been taken / have been built
d) were being taken / will be built
e) had been taken / would have been built

3. The first laser ......... in 1960 by Maiman almost half a century after the publication in 1916 of Einstein's theory of radiation which ......... the possibility of laser operation.

a) has been demonstrated / had shown
b) had been demonstrated / showed
c) was demonstrated / showed
d) demonstrates / was shown
e) was being demonstrated / shows

4. Researchers disagree ........ whether a large ocean existed on Mars, but one thing is certain: Martian geology is turning ...... to be strange and complex.

a) of / round
b) in / over
c) for / up
d) on / out
e) about / in

5. Species become endangered and even extinct ....... a variety of reasons, many of which are related ....... human activities.

a) over / through
b) for / to
c) within / of
d) with / for
e) in / with

Zaman uyumu açısında baktığımızda, A ve D nin yanlış olduğunu görürüz. Uyarma fiili, sebep olma fiilinden daha önce ya da ikisi birlikte meydana gelmeli. Past perfect tense ve future perfect gerektirecek bir zaman kavramı olmadığı için B ve C de elenir. Olayın ihtimali de gözönüne alınınca E doğru olur.

' ....its present site ..' gerçek olayın meydana geldiğini gösteriyor, o halde geçmişte olmuş bitmiş bir olayın şart cümlesini yapmalıyız: type 3. Zaten tüm typeları uygulayın E dışındakiler hep yanlış çıkacak.

'first' ve '1960-1916' kesin olarak simple past ister. 'by...' ın kullanımı da pasif yapı gerektireceği için, cevap C olur. İkinci boşluk zaten aktif halde.

'disagree on/about' kullanımı mümkündür. 'Ortaya çıkmak, belirginleşmek' anlamında 'turn out..' kullanılır. D doğrudur.

'For + many/some/a few/... + reasons'( .... sebepten dolayı), ve 'related to/with'. Doğru seçenek B dir.

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