İngilizce sınavlarında birçok kişinin sıkıntı yaşadığı alanların başında gelir phrasal verbler.
Phrasal verb, bir edat ya da zarfın fiilden sonra gelmesi sonucu oluşan farklı anlamdaki fiile verilen ad. Oluşan anlam farklı olduğu için bu fiilleri akılda tutmak oldukça zordur.
Her zaman olduğu gibi burada da ezber yöntemi işe yaramaz. Kısa vadeli çözüm olsa da uzun vadede ingilizce bilginize çok bir şey katamaz. Bu nedenle ezber yerine cümle içindeki kullanılışına dikkat ederek ve sık okuma yaparak derinlemesine öğrenme tercih edilmelidir
En çok kullanılan phrasal verbler ve anlamları
1. make up: oluşturmak(account for), uydurmak(fabricate), telafi etmek
Sorry, I missed the exam. May I make it up?
Her story is hard to believe. I am sure she made it up.
2. put off: ertelemek(postpone, adjourn, delay, defer, hold off, suspend)
I can’t put this work off any longer. If I don’t do it soon, it’ll be impossible to finish it in time.
3. find out: öğrenmek, bulmak (learn, identify, uncover, reveal)
I’m sorry that you didn’t know the meeting had been canceled. I didn’t find out myself until just a few minutes ago.
4. make out: bir şeyi/birini anlayabilmek/işitebilmek/görebilmek (recognize)
Can you make out what she is saying?
He is strange. I can’t make him out.
5. put up with: tahammül etmek ( tolerate, endure, withstand)
It’s really important to come to work on time. The boss won’t put up with tardiness.
6. make up for: telafi etmek (compensate for)
I bought her dinner to make up for being so late the day before.
7. take over: ele geçirmek, yönetimi/kontrolü eline geçirmek ( seize)
The bank was taken over by a French bank that needed to buy a bank to get into the US market.
8. break down: bozulmak, parçlanmak ( fall apart )
Dennis will be late for work today. Her car broke down on the freeway.
9. pull through: iyileşmek, (get over, recover from)
At one stage it looked as if she was going to die, but she pulled through in the end.
10. deal with: ile baş etmek ( cope with ), ile ilgilenmek
The government must now deal with the problem of high interest rates.
The film deals with alienation in modern life.
11. put out: söndürmek ( extinguish )
She put out her cigarette before entering the building.
12. set out: yola çıkmak ( set off )
The explorers set out for the North Pole yesterday.
13. set up: kurmak ( establish )
You’ll see him tomorrow. I’ve set up a meeting for 10:30 AM.
14. take up: (zaman) almak, (yer) kaplamak, başlamak
I’ve never been windsurfing before, but I think I’d like to take it up.
15. bring about: sebep olmak ( cause ) (law ile birlikte kullanımı yaygındır – bring about a change in law)
The changes to the law were brought about by the government because so many people were ignoring the old one
16. bring up: (çocuk) büyütmek ( raise ), gündeme getirmek
Mary’s parents died when she was a baby. Her grandparents brought her up.
He didn’t bring the subject up at the meeting.
17. carry out: gerçekleştirmek, yapmak ( fulfill, perform )
The government is carrying out tests on growing genetically modified crops.
18. give up: bırakmak, vazgeçmek, pes etmek ( quit, renounce )
She knows smoking isn’t good for her health, but she can’t give it up.
19 hold up: geciktirmek ( delay ), engellemek
I’m sorry I’m late. There was an accident on the highway and traffic held me up.
20. turn down: reddetmek ( refuse, reject ), sesini kısmak.
I thought I could borrow some money from Joe, but when I asked, he turned me down.
Your music is giving me a headache! Please turn it down or use your headphones!
21. account for: açıklamak (clarify), hesabını vermek, bütünün parçasını oluşturmak
The cashier had to account for all the money that had gone missing.
22. break into: zorla soygun amacıyla girmek, lafa patavatsızca girmek ( brugle)
The thief broke into the house from window yesterday.
23. come across: karşı karşıya gelmek ( encounter, bump into, run into )
I’ve lost my extra car keys. If you come across them while you’re cleaning the room, please put them in a safe place.
24. come up with: çözüm, fikir, alternatif sunmak ( suggest )
Nobody could come up with a satisfactory explanation for the fire at the market.
25. get off: araçtan inmek ( disembark )
When you get off the bus, keep going until you’re at the corner of 3th and 4th Street.
26. keep up: devam etmek
How long can we keep this up without ever speaking to each other directly?
27. keep up with: -e ayak uydurmak ( catch up with, keep pace with )
He walks too fast and it’s really hard to keep up with him.
It’s hard to keep up with all the latest improvements and breakthroughs in technology nowadays.
28. put down: (isyan vb.) bastırmak, yere koymak, yazmak
The musical celebrated the militiamen who put down the rebellion.
29. put through: ( telefon ) bağlamak
Could you put me through to extension 259 please?
30. settle down: yerleşmek, durulmak, uslanmak ( mature, ripen )
After years of partying and drinking, she finally got married and settled down.
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