Yan cümlelerin kullanımı dilin
daha etkili ve daha açıklayıcı olmasını sağlar. Yan cümleler ile bir cümlede
daha fazla bilgi verilebilir. Clause'lar türlerine göre cümlede farklı yerlerde
ve şekillerde kullanılırlar . Yan cümleler (Clauses) şu şekillerde kullanılmaktadır:
(Noun Clauses) |
Bir cümlede ismin veya isim tamlamasının yerine kullanılırlar. Yani cümlenin Öznesi veya Nesnesi olarak kullanılırlar. |
That she
killed her husband is not a
secret anymore
When she
killed her husband is not a
secret anymore
Weather the
woman killed her husband(or not) is
still unknown.
We know that
she killed her husband.
We couldn't
understand why she killed her husband
It is unknown
if she killed her husband
Everybody was
interested in why she killed her husband.
(ADJECTIVE CLAUSES Sıfat Cümlecikleri biri ismi nitelemek ve o isim hakkında daha fazla bilgi vermek için kullanılırlar. Adjective clause olarak bilinen bu yapı nitelenmek istenen ismin sonuna getirilir. |
The police
arrested the woman who killed her husband
The woman, who
killed her husband, was arrested yesterday.
Mrs. Anderson,
who killed her husband, was arrested yesterday.
The people, most
of whom are her neighbors, gathered around the dead body.
The police
know the day when she killed her husband.
The woman
admitted the reason why she killed her husband.
The woman was
arrested in the building where she killed her husband.
The building in
which the woman killed her husband is now under police control.
The woman whose
husband was found dead in the building was arrested.
Mrs. Anderson
was arrested for killing her husband, which surprised everybody.
İngilizce'de en geniş Clause kategoirisi Adverb
clause'kardır. Gramer kitaplarının çoğu adverb clause'ları bir arada
anlatmaz. Ayrı ayrı konular olarak anlatırlar. Ancak biz burada Adverb
Clause'ları bir arada göstereceğiz.
The man was injured because he had a terrible accident ZAMAN All The students stood up when the teacher entered the class YER The woman was burried where her husband lay BEKLENMEYEN SONUÇ I passed all my exams although I did not study AMAÇ She killed her husband so that she could get all the money herself USUL The boy seemed as if somebody teased him. ZITLIK Where as mary is rich, John is poor KOŞUL Ypu will be hired if you meet all the qualificatins |
Bu liste size
fikir vermesi için bir özet tablo niteliğindedir. Clause bilgisi olmadan ve
clause'ları etkili kullanmadan ileri düzey bir İngilizce seviyesinden
bahsedilemez. Clause konularını tek tek çalışmalısınız ve bol bol soru
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