DO AWAY WITH | put an end to something | They will do away with tax on home heating fuel. |
DO IN * | murder | The mafia did him in. |
DO IN * | injure | This hot weather will do us in. |
DO IN * | cheat or swindle | The car buyer was done in by the fly-by-night salesman. |
DO OVER * | redo over repeat | I had to do my homework over because I had too many mistakes. |
DO OVER * | redecorate | We did our kitchen over to modernize it. (also: made over) |
DO UP * | make fancy | She did up her hair in a pretty bow. |
DO UP * | finish | Do up the work before you leave. |
DO WITH | benefit from | We could do with less talk and more action. |
DO WITHOUT | manage, survive | I could not do without my cell phone. |
GET ABOUT | move, be active | Even though he's ninety, he gets about pretty well. |
GET AT | hint, insinuate, imply | I don't know what the lawyer was getting at, but I didn't like it. |
GET AT | discover, find | We wanted to get at the root of the problem. |
GET AWAY | escape from confinement | The prisoner tried to get away, but the office caught him. |
GET AWAY WITH | do something without detection | He tries to get away with cheating, but they keep catching him. |
GET BY | manage, survive | We got by even though we didn't have much money. |
GET DOWN * | depress, discourage | The cold, rainy weather got me down after a couple of months. |
GET DOWN | enjoy, dance | Let's have a little fun and get down tonight! |
GET IN | arrive | When does you plane get in? |
GET IN | enter a private vehicle | We got in the car and sat down. (get on - public vehicle) |
GET OFF | exit a public vehicle | We got off the bus at the last stop. |
GET OFF * | escape from punishment | He was charged with public indecency, but the lawyer got him off |
GET OFF | boldness, effrontery | Where do you get off telling me I'm fat. Look at yourself. |
GET ON | to work or perform in harmony | They got on well together. |
GET ON | to mount, to board (public transportation) | He got on his bicycle and rode away. He got on the bus. |
GET IT ON * | to have a romantic or sexual connection | "Let's get it on." -- Marvin Gaye song |
GET ON * | to wear | He got on his shoes. See get passive |
GET OVER | recover | It took him a week to get over his cold / his divorce. |
GET THROUGH | to succeed in contacting | I had trouble getting through to you because my phone had bad reception. |
GET UP | wake up and get out of bed | What time did you get up this morning? |
GIVE AWAY * | give as a present | He was feeling so confident, he gave away all his money. |
GIVE AWAY * | reveal a secret | Be careful not to give secret away. |
GIVE IN | surrender, acknowledge defeat | At first he said, "no", but then he gave in. |
GIVE OF | devote or contribute | To give of one's self is the greatest gift. |
GIVE OFF | to put forth, emit | The light bulb gave off an amazing amount of light. |
GIVE OUT * | emit, distribute | They gave out fliers in front of the playhouse. |
GIVE OUT | to become exhausted, used up | After running four miles, his legs gave out. |
GIVE OVER * | transfer, release to someone else | He will give over the ownership of his property to his grandchildren. |
GIVE UP | to abandon, | She never gave up hope that he would get well. |
GIVE UP | discontinue | He gave up smoking. |
GIVE (IT) UP * | applaud; clap (slang) | Let's give it up for Beyonce! |
GO ABOUT | perform one's duties | Every day, he goes about checking our work. |
GO AFTER | pursue | If you really want it, go after it. |
GO AGAINST | to conflict with | He never thought his son would go against him. |
GO AHEAD | proceed | Go ahead. We'll catch up with you later. |
GO ALONG | agree to follow | He went along with his idea even though he wasn't convinced. |
GO AROUND | accompany | They always go around with the same people. |
GO AROUND | be enough for everyone | They brought enough food to go around. |
GO AT | attack | They went at each other viciously. |
GO BACK | return | He went back home after work. |
GO BACK ON | fail to keep to | He went back on his word and started smoking again. |
GO BY | to be disregarded, not taken advantage of | He let his best chance go by. |
GO DOWN | suffer defeat | They went down fighting. |
GO DOWN | be remembered | This will go down in history as an unforgettable moment. |
GO FOR | try hard for | Go for the gold! (Olympian expression) |
GO IN WITH | join | He went in with them on an investment scheme. |
GO OFF | explode | The gun went off and runners began the race. |
GO OFF | ring | My phone always goes off when I'm in class. |
GO ON | continue | When life is hard, you have to go on. |
GO OUT | extinguish | If the lights go out, light some candles. |
GO OUT WITH | accompany or date | Amelia goes out with her friends. She is going out with a new guy. |
GO OVER | review | After we go over the plans, we can discuss what to do. |
GO OVER | to meet approval | Did your proposal go over well? |
GO THROUGH | experience | We had to go through hard times during the war. |
GO THROUGH WITH | persevere to the end | He decide to go through the operation to repair his heart. |
GO UNDER | fail, ruin | The bank went under due to bad business practices. |
GO UP | be under construction | A new building is going up in place of the old one. |
GO UP | be consumed by fire | The old building went up in flames. |
GO WITH | look good or fashionable with | His striped shirt didn't go with his jacket. |
HAVE AT | to go at; attack | It's time to have at my homework. |
HAVE ON * | to wear | What do you have on? |
HAVE ON * | to host a guest on TV | Who does David Letterman have on tonight? |
HAVE X OUT | settle | She and I had it out last night and came to an agreement. |
HAVE OVER * | entertain | We'd had our friends over for dinner. |
HAVE X TO DO WITH | be associated with | His lack of confidence had a lot to do with his not getting the job. |
LET DOWN * | disappoint | He let us down when he didn't do as he said he would. |
LET IN * | to admit | The door man let us in to the nightclub. |
LET IN * | share a secret | I'll let you in on a little secret. I won the lottery. |
LET OFF * | release by exploding | The fireworks let off a whistling sound. |
LET OFF * | to free from duty | They let him off jury duty. |
LET OFF* | excuse with little punishment | The judge let the youth off with just a warning and a promise. |
LET ON | reveal | Please don't let on that you already know his secret. |
LET OUT | terminates, release from confinement | School lets out in June. |
LET OUT | release from restraint | The dog let out a loud yelp when its owner left. |
LET OUT * | enlarge | I had to let my pants out after the holiday meals. |
LET UP ON | ease up ; treat less severely | His mother let up on him after she realized he was trying his hardest. |
LOOK AFTER | take care of; foster | They looked after him when his parents couldn't. |
LOOK DOWN ON | regard with scorn or contempt | Those people look down on everyone else as being inferior. |
LOOK IN ON | visit briefly | The nurse looked in on each patient several times a day. |
LOOK INTO | investigate | The police are looking into the crime. |
LOOK ON | to be a spectator | The fans looked on while their team battled to win. |
LOOK OUT | to be on guard, to take care | Look out or you might get hurt. |
LOOK OUT FOR | to be concerned | We need to look out for our health. |
LOOK OUT ONTO | to have a view | Our hotel room looked out onto the town's plaza. |
LOOK OVER * | review | The mechanic looked the car over to see if there were any problems. |
LOOK UP * | research, find in a reference book | Always look up the words that you don't know. |
LOOK UP TO | admire, regard highly | She had always looked up to her older sister. |
MAKE AWAY WITH | steal | The dishonest CEO made away with millions of dollars. |
MAKE OFF WITH | steal, take | The bear made off with our picnic basket. |
MAKE OUT * | to write or complete | After you make out the check, put it in the mail. |
MAKE OUT * | be able to distinguish or read | It was hard to make out the words on the old memorial stone. |
MAKE OUT | succeed | With a lot of hard work, you too can make out in life. |
MAKE OUT | show affection; kiss | They made out in the front seat. |
MAKE OVER | redo, redecorate | The film producer decided to make over the actor's appearance |
MAKE UP | invent | Did you make that story up? I don't believe it. |
MAKE UP | to put on cosmetics | Women make up their faces before going to parties. |
MAKE UP | to settle or reconcile | We've quarreled for two years, but we made up last night. |
MAKE UP | repeat | I had to make up a course in which I had gotten an unsatisfactory grade. |
MAKE UP FOR | compensate | His boss offered him vacation days to make up for his overtime hours. |
MAKE UP OF | constitute | The United States is make up of fifty states. |
MAKE UP TO | become friendly with | He was trying to make up to every woman in the class. (informal) |
PUT ABOUT | turn in a different direction | The ship put about and headed back to shore. |
PUT ABOUT | to start a rumor | The opposition put about a rumor that we had accepted a bribe. |
PUT AWAY * | put in its place | We put away the food after shopping. |
PUT AWAY * | consume | He can put away five hamburgers! |
PUT AWAY * | euthanize | We had to put our dog away when it became too old to survive. |
PUT AWAY * | jail | The murderer was put away for life. |
PUT DOWN * | write | The Red Cross put me down for a one hundred dollar contribution. |
PUT DOWN | regard or categorize | He was put down as a complainer |
PUT DOWN * | to insult or criticize | My older sister always put me down when she was with her friends. |
PUT DOWN * | to place a down payment | We put down forty per cent on the house. |
PUT DOWN | land and aircraft | The plane put down in a wheat field. |
PUT IN | enter a port | The ship put in before sunset. |
PUT IN FOR | apply or request | He put in for a transfer to a different division. |
PUT OFF * | delay or postpone | He tends to put off doing his taxes. |
PUT OFF | repel, distance, perturb | The artist's use of dead animals put off his viewers. |
PUT ON * | to wear | He put on his pants |
PUT ON * | produce or perform | They put on a wonderful play. |
PUT OUT * | extinguish | The firemen put out the fire |
PUT OUT * | be bothersome; inconvenience | Yes, I'd like a cup of coffee, but I don't want to put you out. |
PUT UP * | put items in their places | Please put up your toys. |
PUT UP WITH | tolerate | I can't put up with his terrible behavior |
TAKE AFTER | resemble | His daughter takes after him in business sense. |
TAKE AFTER | pursue | The dog took after the little boy who tried to run away. |
TAKE BACK * | retract | I take what I said back. i shouldn't have said it. |
TAKE DOWN * | write or record | Take these measurements down. |
TAKE DOWN * | capture, control | They took down their opponents. |
TAKE FOR * | to assume to | I took his word for the truth. / I took for truth his word. |
TAKE IN * | provide lodging or a home | His uncle took him in after his father died. |
TAKE IN * | alter, make smaller | She had her dress taken in after she had her baby. |
TAKE IN | trick or deceive | The insurance salesman took in the unsuspecting buyer. |
TAKE IN | observe and make sense of | We listened to his lecture. There was a lot to take in. |
TAKE OFF * | remove clothing | Please take off your coat and sit down. |
TAKE OFF | depart from earth | The airplane took off on time. |
TAKE OFF | remove from a job or position | I was taken off one project to work on another. |
TAKE OFF | humorous imitation (noun) | The movie was a take off on news anchormen. |
TAKE ON * | undertake | President Obama took on the difficult job or restoring the economy. |
TAKE ON * | hire | They took him on as their financial officer. |
TAKE OUT * | date | He took her out to the movies. |
TAKE OVER * | assume management | The stronger company took over the weaker one. |
TAKE UP * | to begin to study | He took up piano. |
TAKE UP | occupy | The grand piano took up most of the room. |
TAKE UP * | continue | Let's take up where we left off yesterday. |
TAKE UP * | begin discussion or a subject | Today, I will take up the subject of a raise in my salary. |
TAKE UP WITH | become friends | He began to take up with the wrong crowd. |
THINK ABOUT | consider, think for a while | I would like some time to think about your business proposal. |
THINK ABOUT | have an opinion or judgment | What do you think about the new no-smoking law? |
THINK OF | create, devise, come up with | How did you think of this clever idea? |
THINK OF | have an opinion or judgment | What do you think of your phone? |
THINK OF | remember, come to mind | I suddenly thought of his name. |
THINK ON | consider, think for a while | I'm not ready to buy it now. I'll have to think on this for a while. |
THINK OUT * | think toward reaching a solution | Think it out before you act. |
THINK OVER * | consider, think for a while | Please think it over carefully before you sign the contract. |
THINK THROUGH * | think toward reaching a solution | If you think the through math problem, you'll find the solution. |
THINK UP * | create, devise come up with | She thought up our logo design. |
TRY ON * | put on clothing to see if you like it | Try the pants on. / Try on the pants. If you like them, buy them. |
TRY OUT * | experiment with something | We tried out a new method of using the cell phone. |
TRY OUT * | an audition, performance before judges | He tried out before the American Idol judges. They held try outs today |
21 Mart 2013 Perşembe
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