9 Kasım 2012 Cuma

Okuma Geliştirme 6

either process returns constantly collects
surface infiltration precipitation streams accumulates
The water on the earth is recycled (1)________ in a (2)______ known as the hydrologic cycle. First, the water in the oceans
evaporates. it changes into vapour and forms clouds in the sky. Water (3)________ in clouds and (4)________ to the (5)_______ of the earth in
some form of (6)_______, which can be (7)_______ rain, snow, or ice. When the water reaches the earth's surface, it runs off into (8)________,
rivers, lakes, and at last, into the oceans, where the cycle begins again. The water on the surface of the earth’s and in the atmosphere is known
as the hydrosphere. Not all precipitation goes into rivers. Some of it seeps into the ground by a process called (9)_______. This water
(10)______under the earth's surface and is groundwater.
not only but also consequently agriculture provides earth
precipitation useless available depend on
Groundwater is important for two reasons. First, 95 per cent of the earth's water is in the oceans. it is salty and (10)_________ for plants, animals,
or humans. Fresh water, which people can use for drinking or for (11)________, is either on the earth's surface in lakes and rivers or
underground. Surface water is .05 per cent of the earth's water while underground water is 4 per cent of the earth's water. (12)________,
groundwater (13)______ 95 per cent of the (14)_______ fresh water on the (15)______. Second, groundwater is important (16)______ because
of the size of the supply, (17)_______ because of its dependability. it is always available since it does not (18)_______ seasonal (19)_______.
Therefore burying polluted substance
harmful however purify poisonous
Today, there seems to be a problem with groundwater. Until recently, groundwater was clean. it was not necessary to (20)______it before people
drank it. (21)______, for many years, people have been (22)______ garbage and (23)________ wastes underground. These poisons have
(24)_______ the groundwater in many places. (25)_______, it is unsafe for human use unless the dirty and (26)________ (27)______ are
removed first.
accumulate allow
Aquifers are geologic formations that (28)_______ groundwater to (29)_______ and move through them. Although they are often called
underground rivers, these formations are not like surface rivers. The water accumulates in one area underground. The amount of water an aquifer
contains is enough to be easily pumped out for use.
returned soon supply run out predict
People have been using groundwater for many years. With an increasing population, the need for water has also increased. Some cities depend
only on groundwater for their water (30)_______. They are using underground water very quickly. in some places the water supply may
(31)________ be used up, and there will be no water for a large population. One example of this is Tucson, Arizona, which is locate in the Sonora
desert in southwestern United States, it is on a very large aquifer which supplies water for the area at the present. The aquifer provides water for
an increasing population in the city and for agriculture throughout southern Arizona. At the present time, the city is using 225,000 acre feet of
water per year, 75,000 acre feet are being (32)______ to the aquifer through the natural processes of the hydrologic cycle. Therefore, people are
using about three times more water than nature is supplying. The water table, which is the level of the water in the aquifer, is dropping lower every
year. Some wells have already gone dry and have either been closed or (33)______ deeper. Scientists (34)_______ that the supply of water in
the aquifer will (35)_______ in twenty to eighty years.

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